Smiles Foundation uses donations to support orphanages where it is most needed. Each orphanage has individual priorities and needs. We aim to provide targeted, sustainable and efficient support.

Smiles Foundation uses donations to support orphanages where it is most needed. Each orphanage has individual priorities and needs. We aim to provide targeted, sustainable and efficient support.

Welcome to Smiles Foundation

Smiles Foundation uses donations to support orphanages where it is most needed. Each orphanage has individual priorities and needs. We aim to provide targeted, sustainable and efficient support. We travel to Ghana every year and implement various projects.


Our focus is to improve the homes of orphans and ensure their education. This starts with organizing the basics like school supplies/inventory and teacher salaries. Up to the construction of classrooms, toilets, library, kitchen and complete school buildings. Other concerns are health and water supply.

It is important to us to spend time with the kids and make them happy. We organise afternoon games with the kids, where they learn new games as a team.

Every cent donated is used for our projects, and we are free of administration, marketing and wage costs.

Orphanages we support in Ghana.

Get to know the two orphanages we support in Ghana and the projects we have completed.


We have supported the Savior Childrenhome since 2019 and regularly spend time with the children anytime we are in Ghana. We got to know about it through a small local non-profit organisation that is committed to the introduction of health insurance for children. The Founder told us about Savior and how they desperately need support.


We came across the Freedom Orphanage through an appeal on social media. A friend gave us William as a contact. William has supported Freedom for several years. He has assisted in rescue operations freeing children enslaved to work on fishing boats. He also took some of the children to the Freedom Orphanage.

Get involved now

With your donation, you make an important contribution to our latest project.